reverting to my old self

i find myself back-sliding into some old habits. namely complaining. i'd been doing really well, but of late people have been really pissing me off! i've been really stressed with all these shows, all the money being spent to make said shows happen, not being able to find a job and doing free work with little appreciation. needless to say i've been frustrated. however i need to find another way to deal with it.
i'd always planned to write them down and then ball it up so that i'd gotten out my issue with no innocent by-standers having to bare the grunt of my complaints. however i have yet to put this plan into action.
i need to refocus and learn to manage my stress level better or there's no way i'm going to be able to manage the busyness of an artists' life.
in other news, i admitted to myself that i don't like blacksploitation flicks. at all. not one bit. i don't "get it."
i think it's cultural...or i could just be a hater
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