on the eve of greatness

it's 1:12 am in baltimore and as i prepare to go to bed so that i can wake up to vote i am struck with this sense of joy. tears well up in my eyes at the thought of what i may in fact witness. it is so cliche to say that i never would have believed that in my lifetime i would experience this country's first black president.
i say this on the heels of a race debate i continue to have with a specific person. to say that this is history in the making is one thing but to be black and to see thousands of deferred dreams come into fruition is life altering. i am completely awestruck and wonder if this is a small taste of what it must have felt like to witness MLK or Malcolm. and at the same time i am saddened and ashamed that it has taken this long. while we consider america to be the leaders of the free world we are celebrating our first black president when countries all over the world took this step decades ago. we deem those countries "underdeveloped" but i beg to question who's really underdeveloped.
obama represents all this world can be. inspiring, compassionate, loving and a family.
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