Saturday, March 22, 2008

fucking idiot

this will be a very angry post

so some dumb ass drunk driver hit my dad's car last night while he was on the freeway driving home from work. this asshole clipped the tail of my dad's truck which caused the car to roll over several times (my dad says he doesn't even recall how many times it flipped over), then slam into the divider on the freeway and then skid out and flip over with the wheels in the air and the car upside down facing on coming traffic.

only god knows how my dad managed to stay conscious. he balled himself up when the car hit and managed to crawl out of the window once the car finally stopped. his leg got stuck in the steering column but the ambulance was able to pull him out.

he's lucky to have walked away with a severe sprained shoulder and some cuts on his hands and face. the car is completely totaled.

i'm so fucking pissed right now. it's like a cross between wanting to fly down to houston and beat the shit out of this asshole and crying because he could have taken my dad away from me.

i hope they lock this bitch up and throw away the fucking key. this shit could totally been avoided.

fucking idiot