Biography For Beryl Wilson LeCadre
Beryl Wilson LeCadre was a simple woman of strong beliefs and values. She greatly believed in the power of prayers. With these traits to help her, she over came many obstacles in her life, and accomplished her dreams. From an early age she dreamt of having a family and becoming a nurse. But even though she did accomplish her dreams and touched many lives in her role of a loving wife, mother and nurse, to me her biggest accomplishment was her selflessness to always willing to help, to take the time to listen to whom ever needed an ear. The time to pray for that person or even write a prayer. I remember her telling someone once, “I took the time to write this prayer for you, but it is up to you to use it and believe in it. Don't just throw it in a corner and make me waste my time. You hear what I say? “She had a cheeky mouth that could both scold you and make you laugh at the same time. Her simple wish for her family and for those whose lives she touched was that they would come to love and know the Lord as she did. By trusting in him, they would be able to overcome all obstacles and accomplish all their dreams as she did. I am proud to have called her grandmother and just as proud to have had her as my role model.
Beryl Wilson LeCadre was a simple woman of strong beliefs and values. She greatly believed in the power of prayers. With these traits to help her, she over came many obstacles in her life, and accomplished her dreams. From an early age she dreamt of having a family and becoming a nurse. But even though she did accomplish her dreams and touched many lives in her role of a loving wife, mother and nurse, to me her biggest accomplishment was her selflessness to always willing to help, to take the time to listen to whom ever needed an ear. The time to pray for that person or even write a prayer. I remember her telling someone once, “I took the time to write this prayer for you, but it is up to you to use it and believe in it. Don't just throw it in a corner and make me waste my time. You hear what I say? “She had a cheeky mouth that could both scold you and make you laugh at the same time. Her simple wish for her family and for those whose lives she touched was that they would come to love and know the Lord as she did. By trusting in him, they would be able to overcome all obstacles and accomplish all their dreams as she did. I am proud to have called her grandmother and just as proud to have had her as my role model.