Thursday, May 29, 2008

i'm straight trippin' boo


i'm being so lazy. i hate that. you know, when you know you're bullshitting and you don't see yourself making an attempt to stop bullshitting? yeah that's me right about now. since school let out i haven't made any work and i've been sitting on my ass for two weeks now. i'm freaking out a little because i need to be self disciplined and motivated to keep my practice going. i feel like i was completely burnt out from all the travel, paper writing, thesis, exhibition blah blah shit that i'd been doing all semester.

it's hard trying to get back into the swing of things. no more critics, no more classmates...just me.

you can do it! you can do it!

maybe i'll finish pagoda and have some ideas. i need to go and reread my crit notes but they are all over the place.

i'm hoping skowhegan will be helpful and teach me how to keep motivated with none of my crutches around.

we shall see, two more weeks to go.

Friday, May 09, 2008

it's FRIDAY!!!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

it's our anniversary....anniversary.....

Today makes two years. It's gone by so quick. Love only gets stronger each day. This has been a terrific year for us and I know next year will be off the chain.

We're celebrating our anni with camping this weekend. This should be interesting.

Love you boobooshoo!