so like i haven't posted on this mofo in YEARS! YEARS i say. the last bitch&moan recorded was like before the wedding. i just spent 1.5 hrs going through the old bitch&moans and was like damn yo. i sure did waste a of keystrokes whining. i was obnoxious and unhappy as hell. i did however, find some real gems through all that. i've decided to keep those on this blog for the following reasons:
1. inspiration
2. reconition of my personal growth
3. homage to my losses
i've grown so much since i left new york and i guess progression is something you can only realize with time. i'm the happiest i've ever been in life. i'm married with a year and some change under my belt. i'm actually living my dream as an artist and learning so much in graduate school. i'm actually astonished at how much i've soaked up. it was a bumpy start but i think next to marriage grad school has changed the course of my life and was the best possible thing to happen to me. oh and i got a dog!
man there's so much to write about. hopefully i can play catch up and get it all down now that i have a sliver of downtime. i've been so blessed this past year and i truly believe that everything i do now must serve a purpose. i hope this blog will inspire those who are on the verge of giving up to keep pushing and pursuing...